<str id="installer.title" txt="IzPack - Installation of "/>
<str id="installer.next" txt="Next"/>
<str id="installer.prev" txt="Previous"/>
<str id="installer.quit" txt="Quit"/>
<str id="installer.madewith" txt="(Made with IzPack - http://www.izforge.com/)"/>
<str id="installer.quit.title" txt="Are you sure you want to quit?"/>
<str id="installer.quit.message" txt="This will cancel the installation!"/>
<str id="installer.warning" txt="Warning!"/>
<str id="installer.yes" txt="Yes"/>
<str id="installer.no" txt="No"/>
<str id="installer.cancel" txt="Cancel"/>
<str id="installer.error" txt="Error"/>
<str id="installer.help" txt="Help"/>
<str id="installer.step" txt="Step"/>
<str id="installer.of" txt="of"/>
<!-- Uninstaller specific strings -->
<str id="uninstaller.warning" txt="This will remove the installed application(s)!"/>
<str id="uninstaller.destroytarget" txt=" Force the deletion of "/>
<str id="uninstaller.uninstall" txt="Uninstall"/>
<!-- The strings for the 'official' IzPack plugins -->
<str id="HelloPanel.welcome1" txt="Welcome to the installation of "/>
<str id="HelloPanel.welcome2" txt="!"/>
<str id="HelloPanel.authors" txt="This software is developed by: "/>
<str id="HelloPanel.url" txt="The homepage is at: "/>
<str id="PrinterSelectPanel.select_printer" txt="Select the printer to use for initial setup and testing." />
<str id="CheckedHelloPanel.productAlreadyExist0" txt="This product is already installed on this computer under the path "/>
<str id="CheckedHelloPanel.productAlreadyExist1" txt=" . Are you sure you want to install another entity?"/>
<str id="CheckedHelloPanel.infoOverUninstallKey" txt="The uninstall key will be named: " />
<str id="LicencePanel.info" txt="Please read the following license agreement carefully:"/>
<str id="LicencePanel.agree" txt="I accept the terms of this license agreement."/>
<str id="LicencePanel.notagree" txt="I do not accept the terms of this license agreement."/>
<str id="LicencePanel.yes" txt="Yes"/>
<str id="LicencePanel.no" txt="No"/>
<str id="InfoPanel.info" txt="Please read the following information: "/>
<str id="PathInputPanel.required" txt="The chosen directory should exist."/>
<str id="PathInputPanel.notValid" txt="The chosen directory does not contain the required product."/>
<str id="TargetPanel.info" txt="Select the installation path: "/>
<str id="TargetPanel.browse" txt="Browse..."/>
<str id="TargetPanel.warn"
txt="The directory already exists! Are you sure you want to install here and possibly overwrite existing files?"/>
<str id="TargetPanel.empty_target"
txt="You have not specified a target location! Is this correct?"/>
<str id="TargetPanel.createdir" txt="The target directory will be created: " />
<str id="TargetPanel.nodir"
txt="This file is not a directory! Please choose a directory!"/>
<str id="TargetPanel.notwritable"
txt="This directory can not be written! Please choose another directory!"/>
<str id="JDKPathPanel.extendedIntro" txt="The installed application needs a JDK between version ${JDKPathPanel.minVersion} and ${JDKPathPanel.maxVersion}. A java runtime environment (JRE) will be not sufficient."/>
<str id="JDKPathPanel.intro" txt="The installed application needs a JDK. A java runtime environment (JRE) will be not sufficient."/>
<str id="JDKPathPanel.info" txt="Select the JDK path:"/>
<str id="JDKPathPanel.badVersion1" txt="The chosen JDK has the wrong version (available: "/>
<str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.apology" txt="We are sorry but IzPack does not support the creation of shortcuts on this operating system. To create the shortcuts, please refer to your operating system manual."/>
<str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.targetsLabel" txt="The following is a list of targets that the manufacturer of this software product wanted you to have access to."/>
<str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.textFileExplanation" txt="You can save detailed information about the application targets in a text file for later reference."/>
<str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.saveButton" txt="Save Text File"/>
<str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.header" txt="Shortcut Information\n====================\n\nThe following is a listing of all relevant information about the intended\nshortcuts. This information should make it possible to create shortcuts manually.\n"/>